
December 2023

Om mit samarbejde med Rie Hedegaard

Mit samarbejde med Caster Rie Hedegaard starter altid tidligt i manuskriptprocessen, hvor vi sammen går på opdagelse i karaktererne, og undersøger hvad filmen eller serien vil.

Jeg oplever det som ekstremt berigende for manuskriptudviklingen, når der bliver faciliteret et rum for samskabelse, hvor castingprocessen byder ind med idéer til manus og omvendt. Vi har en åben og undersøgende tilgang til processen og Rie giver aldrig op. Hun er en superkraft, der ekspanderer det filmiske univers med fokus på det samlede ensemble, og gerne ned til mindste detalje.

Rie er modig og bringer ofte det mest uventede i spil, hvilket gør hende til en ganske særlig caster. Hun udfordrer mine idéer og gør historien og det visuelle udtryk stærkere med sine inputs. I min optik, er Rie en kunstner, der beriger værket med krop, sjæl og overraskelser.

Sammen har vi skabt tre sæsoner af DR-serien "Doggystyle" (2018-22), spillefilmen "Venuseffekten" (2021) og den kommende DR-dramaserie "Generationer" (2025).

Anna Emma Haudal
Instruktør & Manuskriptforfatter


Palle Strøm
Head of development
Monday Productions

Der er castere, der er dygtige castere, der er rigtigt dygtige castere... og så er der Rie Hedegaard.

Når Rie er i ens ringhjørne, sker der særlige magiske ting. Hun har et blik for mennesker, en indføling og en integritet, der er helt unik. Hendes dedikation til et projekt er off the charts. Ries ånd svæver langt udover castingen og ind i projektet. We are lucky to have her!


Friedemann Fromm

Writer / Director

Bernadottestraße 26

22763 Hamburg

+49 171 3218028

Hamburg, February 25, 2020


Dear Madam or Sir,

I worked together with Rie Hedegard from 2018 to 2020 at the international co-production „Death of Friends“, in which Rie was the casting director for the Danish cast, and I the writer/director. „Death of Friends“ is a family drama series in 8 episodes for ZDF and DR.

Without Rie, I am sure, this project would never has been realized, for she is not only a unique casting director, but also someone who understands the complicated structure of international coproductions and the huge amount of energy they need to come alive.

To work with Rie on a creative/artistic level was extremely inspiring and her input was very important for the project. The cast, we finally found, became the backbone for the show.


So, I can only say: if You have the chance to work with this extraordinary woman, You should take it without hesitating.


Best regards,

Friedemann Fromm



Danish Broadcasting Corporation

Emil Holms Kanal 20

DK-0999 Copenhagen C


Letter of Recommendation


February, 2018


Rie Hedegaard has been the casting director on both seasons of Ride Upon the Storm for Danish Broadcasting (September 2016 - May 2018). Rie has an outstanding dedication and passion for her work and is relentless in her pursuit of the perfect cast for every single part in the show.

Also Rie is always searching for the “not so obvious”-cast and has a remarkable knowledge of both trained actors but also, and not less important - the great field of largely unknown, but often extremely talented people, that can sometimes transform a bit-part to a real and personal performance, that makes a memorable difference. It has been a pleasure working with Rie, and I welcome the next time we will meet on a project be it film, tv or theatre.


Adam Price

Creator, “Ride Upon the Storm”





København Januar 2017


Mit samarbejde med Caster Rie Hedegaard


Rie er ubetinget den bedste caster jeg har arbejdet med.


Hendes dedikation og passion for arbejdet og faget er unik. Hun vælger ingen lette løsninger, men kæmper for projektets bedste og med en intens søgen ind i det originale og gedigne udtryk.

Rie udfordrer hele tiden filmens udtryk, søger kun de bedste skuespillere til opgaven. Hun kæmper en imponerende kamp for at få tingene løst, aftalerne på plads og skabe tillid og ro i et følsomt rum, for både skuespillere og instruktører.

Casting er ingen let proces. Og det kan være udmattende at holde fast.  I Ries rum er der overskud og det mærkes i det materiale man møder. Jeg oplever at hun får skabt nogle castings der er langt over det niveau jeg er vant til at se.


Jeg giver hermed Rie mine varmeste og mest professionelle anbefalinger.


Med Venlig Hilsen

Kaspar Munk

Konceptuerende instruktør. Herrens Veje

Dr fiktion.





Copenhagen/Los Angeles 08.25 2015


My Casting Director

Rie Hedegaard


To whom it may concern


I´ve worked with Rie Hedegaard since 1998.

Since then we worked on several series and 9 features.


Rie is the best Casting Director I have ever worked with -


She has a unik and special talent for casting. An ability to understand the deep connection between casting and drama and the impact on storytelling any choice of cast will have. It´s a certain insight she has, and it´s making the director wiser on his film.

Our speciality has been to find new and unknown talent for features, starting from scratch and building it up. That has been the case with the serie The Spider, the feature Nordkraft and latest The Steppenwolf. In these situations Rie is searching, aggressiv, and doesn´t give up until the right people are forund for the right roles. In other movies, such as Flame & Citron and Praque, where more established cast is needed, she is a joy and inspiration to play name-game with, and she will in the end

provide you with the most exceiting and inspirering actors


The movie will benefit from these qualities. I know my films did. and it´s making the director wiser on his film.


Each time i have worked with Rie has been a different process.

She´s able to create a workflow, that is connecting to the specific movie – a process that sort of ”taste” like the movie.


One of the things I admire and appreciate the most, is her enthusiasm and burning urge to do the best work possible.


A meeting with Rie can cast a new light on the entire film and I wish any director would get the chance to work with her.


O.C. Madsen


Ole Christian Madsen

Director/Screenwriter/Executive Producer





København 25.08 2016


Om mit Samarbejde med Rie Hedegaard.


Rie har været en dedikeret og meget kompetent Casting Director på alle mine film og tv-serier, og næste store samarbejde er PELLE, Den store kamp i 2016.


Rie er for mig den perfekte Caster.

Hun er passioneret og modig i sit arbejde, helmer ikke før hver en sten er vendt. Hun har en unik forståelse af hvad valget af spiller kan gøre for den enkelte karakter og filmen som helhed.

Derfor bliver den sparring jeg som instruktør har med Rie ofte en væsentlig del i udviklingen af filmens karakterer.


Hun gør kort sagt filmen bedre.


Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale Rie.

Hun er den bedste.



Per Fly








To Whom It May Concern:


In a small country like Denmark its very easy to fall into routine. We all know each other, seen each others work and think we know who will be right for a part.


Thats where Rie Hedegaard is exceptionel important to me - and I think Danish film. She never makes the easy choice and always thinks outside the box. Her knowledge and curiosity knows no boundaries for discovering new talent and finding new ideas for how one should perceive an actor.


I enjoy Ries immense passion and dedication to her projects. Whenever we work together she becomes my most trusted and devoted partner in crime.


I hope these few lines makes it very clear that I highly recommend Rie Hedegaard.



Christoffer Boe



Sex, Drugs & Taxation, 2012





To whom it may concern:


Rie Hedegaard is a very important part of my filmmaking. She has a deep understanding of the films universe, the script and the characters. She is immensely passionate in her work and has a fresh and intuitive approach to casting.  It’s deeply satisfying and inspiring to work with Rie on a film and I hope to continue our collaboration on my next projects.


I highly recommend Rie Hedegaard.



Hlynur Pálmason, artist / filmmaker


Copenhagen, 21.09.15










To Whom It May Concern:


Rie Hedegaard has a special talent for casting, she is very intuitive in her work, which is characterized by its diversity, always being well-grounded.


Rie gets deeply involved in the projects she works on in a extraordinary passionate way, she is very thorough in her research and is easily inspired by the script, bringing new, fresh and sometimes daring ideas to the director.


I highly recommend Rie.


Anders Thomas Jensen, writer/director

“Men & Chicken” 2015





D.R / Danish department of fiction & drama 06.26.2015


Comments on my cooperation with Rie Hedegaard in ”Follow the money”



Rie Hedegard has been an invaluable person for me throughout this project ”Follow the money”.

The serial holds many different scenes, which demand a large number of skills.

It was a strong desire from director, Per Fly, as well as the producer and the author that we forund a mixture of known and unknown actors in order to make the scenes as vivid and alive as possible.

At the same time we had to make sure that we had found the right actors to guarantee our success, and THAT was NOT a simple task.


But Rie was great with task – from the very beginning she accepted the challenge, and she went for it.

She was extremely competent and often held interesting viewpoints.


That Rie is dedicated and passionate about her job is an understatement – she leaves nos tone unturned in order to find the very best team in front of the camera.

That made me feel so very secure. That is a must when you are running such a gigantic project as a sunday serial is.


We could not be any happier with another cast, as I have wanted all along; A mixture of known and unknown actors ( we are convinced of presenting a couple of up-comming stars)- the cast of our wildest dreams.


Therefore, Rie, I feel so very greatfull.

Thank you.


Jeppe Gervig Gram

Author, head of screenwriting, DR Fiction.

